Health Tips: Iron is important not only for physical but also for mental health, 5 symptoms are seen due to deficiency.

Health Tips: Iron is important not only for physical but also for mental health, 5 symptoms are seen due to deficiency.

Importance of Iron: Iron is considered the protective shield of the body. This gives strength and protects the body from many diseases. Iron is an important part of hemoglobin, which is found in red blood cells. The function of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen from the lungs to other organs. In such a situation, if there is iron deficiency, the entire system gets shaken. Since iron is also an immunity booster, its deficiency causes many diseases. It is also very important for the brain and nervous system. Due to lack of iron in the body, problems like fatigue, weakness, dizziness and difficulty in breathing start occurring. Even heart failure can occur due to iron deficiency. In such a situation, these 5 signs should never be ignored…

5 signs of iron deficiency

1. Fatigue

Fatigue is the most common symptom due to low iron in the body. Fatigue is felt due to insufficient amount of oxygen reaching different parts of the body. This can also cause problems like weakness and dizziness.

2. Difficulty in breathing

When there is iron deficiency in the body, hemoglobin also decreases. In such a situation, there is a lack of sufficient oxygen, due to which difficulties in breathing increase. This problem increases during exercise, walking or running.

3. Headache

Iron can affect not only physical health but also mental health. Its deficiency can cause headache problems. Sometimes iron deficiency can lead to loss of focus and memory, because in such a situation the brain does not get adequate amount of oxygen.

4. Complaint of insomnia

Serotonin and dopamine both are very important hormones to keep the body and brain relaxed. When the iron level is low then the balance of both these hormones in the body gets disturbed. Which has a direct effect on sleep and one does not get peaceful sleep. This can cause many problems.

5. Hands and feet getting cold

Be careful if hands and feet often remain cold, because this can also be a symptom of iron deficiency. When oxygen does not reach the body properly due to iron deficiency, such problems are seen.

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